Is doing the bare minimum actually the secret key to a good skin? My skin has always been so low maintenance, yet well adjusted to my practical lifestyle. Any skincare and make-up I use, I make sure it would fit in my small travel pouch. I committed to keep my routine really short and simple, and have never applied more than 5 layers of different skincare at once. For my laziness, and also the practicality. Does that mean my skin has never been a problem for me? At least not in my early 20’s life. The Backstory I had my worst acne breakout during my puberty, when I was sixteen, I was trying out one facial treatment - you know, the one where they poke your pores because they claim they know when your future acne is gonna appear, kind of your fortune teller but for pimples - intending to clear some blackheads I had. That one facial treatment turned into an entire face ‘purging’, triggered acne that never appeared before in my life to suddenly popped up, and tha...