Sneaking into Tokyo's oldies dance party called 'Showa Kayo Night'. It was Wednesday night when a friend of mine who lives in Tokyo, Deby, texted us when are we doing this Thursday night. She found this event roaming around her Facebook page, a disco party playing 50's - 80's Japanese pop tunes (Showa era) for people at all age group, mainly for nostalgic purpose. I'm staying in Tokyo for a whole month vacation with zero plan ( as how I always do it ) and just play it by the ear every single day, so ' dancing all night with cool elderly ' is an easy ' Yes! ' for me. On the day, we dressed up according to the respective era and meet at Shibuya to jam to the oldies tunes. It was a magical time machine as we entered the full packed bar with ¥300 entry for us to dance all night, with Japanese grandmas, aunties and uncles karaoke-ing to all the songs they knew by heart. Here is our experience, including showing up at the local news on a drunk intervi...